Monday, August 4, 2014



What do we think of when we hear that word?
What do we imagine when we hear that word?
I can't imagine any of your answers or thoughts were very good.
Why would they? Addict has been a dark and vile word for decades.  7 decades ago when the word became let's say a household word, it was even then, a word you didn't want to be labeled with.
No doubt I've heard throughout my short time in recovery people say " I'm Proud to be an Addict" but that is always in a room full of other Addicts or at least where the Addicts out number the "Normal People".
So why do we continue to down the Addict ? Why do we treat Addicts and Addiction like we did lepers and leprosy in Biblical times. 
Is it the " Choice" myth? "Addiction is a choice" or "People choose to be Addicts". Really is this where our society, with all its high tech, with all the new inventions, with the world wide web has gone?
Addiction is a DISEASE. Like it or not. 23.5 million Americans are Addicts. Many many are in long term recovery.
I can guarantee you none of them grew up hoping to be an Addict. None of them grew up thinking I can't wait to steal from my loved ones or hoping their true love would end up with a needle in their arm or a crack pipe in their mouth. I'm also very positive none of them wanted to work the full time job of being an Addict, where you never have a day off, you work at least as much overtime. There are no benefits, There are no holidays, there are no vacations, there are no perks, no encouragement, no pat on the back, no letter of recommendation. Yup that's what I told my mom and dad that I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Cancer isn't a dark and vile word. Cancer is a disease. No one grows up hoping to get prostrate cancer or breast cancer. 
When people hear the word cancer they might get sad or very upset because a loved one or someone they know or maybe don't even know has the disease. That feeling soon turns into anger or rage and we want to do everything to destroy it or arrest it.
Let's just go back a few decades Aids in the 1980's was a dirty word. Famous musician, actors, actresses and the press totally turned that around and changed public perception of this horrible disease. Today there are 1.3 million Americans living their lives with this disease. People being made aware of what the disease of HIV is and being made aware of the prevention and treatment needed to combat this disease has been part of the turnaround with public opinion and success of HIV in the past 25 years.
Addict in 2014 is still a dirty word. Addiction is still something we don't talk about. Addiction continues to be swept under the rug. The effects on society from addiction are astounding but yet.Wait I can't talk about it.