Monday, March 31, 2014

Time Can Change Me But I Can't Change Time

I knew I just knew this day would come. It actually came last Friday when I was at this meeting. I've been waiting for it. You would think maybe just maybe I would be happy about it, maybe even ecstatic. I'm not. Why?  Not sure to be honest. I mean this is what I did my whole life until about nine years ago. This is what I loved to do. This is what I lived for this was my breath, my soul, my mojo right?
So what's the problem? I don't know and believe me its got me pissed off.
OK if your still with me thanks but I can't promise it will get much better at all. So you have an idea of what I am talking about I'll have to turn back the hands of time.
OK I was an entertainer, musician, singer what ever you want to call it for a huge chunk of my life about 17 years and damn I was good. I had to go through many many obstacles but that didn't mean shit to me I had one goal and that was it. I accomplished a lot of my goal to do my art full time and I accomplished that for many years. I've done things and been to places people will never have the chance to experience. I've hung with the best and have been treated the way people only could wish for and as much as that may sound egotistical I can promise you this I never ever took a minute of it for granted.
Well about 7,8 or 9 years ago I can't really remember right now I said fuck it I don't want to do this anymore. I've had enough. Why did I say that? Not really sure, maybe the drugs became more important. There was also a ton and I mean a ton of other shit going on in my life which I am not going to get into so I think it may have been a combination of everything. Anyway that was it. Yeah I burned a lot of bridges at the end and its something I've tried to repair. Some people may never get past that and even though that sucks I accept that. I will also say I helped many many peoples lives and career. I put many people's wants ahead of my own and my first wife. We sacraficed a lot and that was my own fault there were many things I should have done differently but I can't foucus on those things because those instances are out of my control there is nothing I can do about the past except for make the future better right? So like I said I've tried to make amends where I could and some people can't accept that and I understand that again and if your one of those people reading this hey I love ya and when your ready I'm here.
So since the day I said "fuck it" I've regretted it everyday since but yet everyday since I haven't been able to say " OK let's do it". I have been getting stronger everyday though and Friday after having a brief conversation with someone I had just met and even though it has been my mind rather seriously the past couple of weeks this conversation ignited a spark within me probably because he told me he was going through something and guess what. Well what he told me was exactly what I have been going through. Obviously it was awesome just to know someone was going thru the same thing. That spark was still flickering in me throughout the weekend but today I felt like I took a step backwards and it pissed me off. Im not giving up though I'll make it happen somehow someday.CH CH CH CH Changes

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Marijuana -Mary Jane is Stepping Out

The Debate is a hot subject in our country right now. So many Pros and so many Cons. There are truths and there are Myths. It all comes down to an individuals opinion. Many people are lobbying for it and many people are lobbying against it. The subject is on a tilt a whirl right now and will we keep getting in line to jump on the ride or will we get sick and move on to the next ride. Is the subject about people's right to do what they want and have the freedom to lite up without the fear of getting caught or is it really about paying the bills because we have a love for excess. Will we be able to walk into 7-11 and buy a pack of joints or will we continue to meet our connection in our local Home Depot parking lot.
Marijuana is the third largest used drug in America. Alcohol takes 1st place honors while tobacco takes 2nd place.According to NORMAL ( A group working to reform Marijuana laws) 740,000 people were arrested last year for some type of Marijuana violation. 87% (over 658,000) were charged for possession only while the remaining 13% (91,000) were for sale/manufacturing charges. Those figures are higher then all the violent arrests made for murder,rape and robbery combined. The cost to taxpayers for all of those arrested is 10 billion dollars.
So if you are not one of the 25 million people who have tried Marijuana in the past year or one of the 14 million people who smoke it regularly than you may just be asking why? Why do people smoke marijuana?
 Well there are many many reasons but let's just go with a Top Ten list you probably won't see on Letterman any time soon.
Now these 10 reasons are not in any type of particular order but I love Letterman and have always wanted to do the top ten ( but then again these aren't funny)
10.Marijuana as Medicine
9.For the effect of the THC (the main ingredient in marijuana)
8.To release the anxiety,stress,fear,pain or anger related to personal,psychological or some family issue.
7.Popular culture endorse use
6. Low perception of harm
5.The opportunity of it presents itself
4.Peer, family or role model presents itself
3. Because they were born with or develop certain personality dimensions such as unconventionality, which make marijuana use non-taboo.
 1.To relax
Now there are many reasons besides the ones previously discussed that are added to why Marijuana should be legalized such as the government has no right to forbid a person to do there body harm and if they do laws should be in place to limit how much a person a person eats or laws should be in place prohibiting bungee jumping. I do not really agree with it and think we are maybe reaching pretty high (no pun intended) but none the less it is an opinion. I don't really know where I stand on this whole issue because of three things. 1. According to the National Geographic Channel or maybe Discovery Channel Yes drug crime and arrests have declined in Colorado but and a very big BUT gang violence has tripled. So I think we do need to remember We are taking away a huge amount of income from a very violent type of people and groups who are not going to sit back and watch. I'm not saying we need to replace there income but we should be prepared and ready for that reaction.
      2. We need sometimes to get back to basics or just not jump on the first good looking solution and I say this in the effect to here we are again doing what I call the casino solution. We saw what a few casinos did for the purses of local govt in the effect of taxes being paid and suddenly casinos are everywhere. Its by no means a Vegas or Atlantic City thing anymore. I do believe that casinos do great things pay taxes,create many temp and permanent jobs and they are good employers but do we need one on every street corner.Some casinos will not survive and what will the local governments and state governments do then. Major gaming companies are selling off properties now. So we need more research and education and maybe should watch Colorado for a bit. 
3. The Gateway Drug Theory. I know a lot of people say and think this is a bullshit theory and at one time I also believed that but for me, this addict it is true. I started out with alcohol and marijuana when I was younger and I eventually moved on to other drugs which I considered to be "Hard Drugs" and I also considered Marijuana to be a bullshit drug or a drug for wimps. When I first thought I just might have a drug problem I began the "Marijuana Maintenance Program" I had the wonderful idea of I'll just smoke pot and quit the other drugs. This idea at the time made total sense to me cheaper, not as bad as those other drugs plus everybody does it right? WRONG within a week all I accomplished was now I was doing two drugs and it was costing me even more. OK then I'll just drink right? WRONG now I'm doing three drugs (yes alcohol is a drug) and it costing me way too much money. Guess where I ended up Back to what I was doing before but even more because I needed to get that high from doing 3 drugs. It was a non winning situation I knew that. Did it stop me though? NO. 
So for this addict that has this disease no matter what I can't do any drug. Maybe you can smoke a joint here and there and it will never lead you to where it brought me but believe me if someone could have said you have this disease called addiction  I may have never picked up and you can't tell me its genetics cause it isn't with me. So do I Believe the Gateway Drug Theory? For me yes I do. I have to ask what about other people that have this disease that never let's you know until you try. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. So how many others could this be a gateway.
My opinion is something very simple and is the answer I know I have to many things before I jump into many things. Education. Teach the people. Research so more education can be taught. Is there an answer? I don't know but maybe with some more research and education a few lives might be saved or we continue to do what we always do as a society and get what we want when we want it now and learn our lessons as we always do "on the fly" at no matter what cost. Have a great day

Friday, March 28, 2014

Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage is damage to things that are incedental to the intended target. It is frequently used as a military term where it can be referred to the incedental destruction of civilian property or Non-combat casualties.
I have never been in the Military but I have been to war. That war was the war of my addiction and yes there was and has been collateral damage. Professionals call them codependents.
When the military plans a mission the collateral damage is figured in and I'm sure then debated is the mission's collateral damage "worth it" or not. Whether you agree with it or not it is a part of our lives and I am sure has been for centuries.
 As much as I hate to even think about my collateral damage I do feel in away that I do need to keep it fresh in my mind. Why because that is the worst feeling I get when I remember my collateral damage.
During my active addiction it was all about me and my need to get one more. I did not concern myself how others and usually that meant ones that I love and was  dependent upon would feel or the damage sometimes irreplaceable that I would inflict upon them. Now I can't go around blaming myself  for everything I did . I have a disease of addiction.
In my active addiction I didn't have a choice I needed to feed my addiction. A lot of the damage done was done to my myself and I realize that and can accept that today but the damage I did to others still weighs heavily on me but on the flip side serves as a huge motivator to stay in recovery.
So what in Gods name is my reasoning for writing this post?
Good question.  Let's face it though no one an addict or not no wants to think about it and sometimes I feel our mind tries to  file it way back in that file cabnet in our head. So that's why I have tried to in my recovery try to offer any assistance or help to people who have loved ones in active addiction. It does remind me of my collateral damage from my active addiction and even the collateral damage I may have now as I work on other character defects I have.Some of the damage I have caused may never be repaid because its either just not possible in this lifetime or it couldn't be settled without causing more damage to myself or others. So I keep myself clean and better and constantly strive for better.
Sometimes though it is necessary at least in my case to have that reminder and just offer those who may be going through pain and suffering with that loved one  just a "Hey I know what your going through" or just the fact that someone cares enough to listen and know they are being thought of. Sometimes you don't really have to know that person.
Which brings me to why I wrote this post. During my travels on the internet I came upon a woman, a mother,and maybe an overall saint. She writes a blog that deals with the trials of having a son who is in active addiction and when I say active I mean like right now. She is a single mom with two other young daughters caught in this mess. Her name is Susan and I have never met her or even talked with her. I have been basically lurking in the shadows of her blog reading every word she prints (sorry that sounded creepy).Today it actually wasn't even a post on her blog it was just a I need to get this off my chest status rant and when I read it. I could feel her frustration, her helplessness feeling and I sent her a comment. A very basic comment because really I did not know what to say because I know what those feeling are on both sides of the fence so all I said was "so true,every word of it. I hear you" because as much as we feel as humans to give adce or our opinion sometimes people just need to know they are not alone.Someone They just need to know someone anyone is there. The other thing is Susan is not even in this country she is actually across "the pond" in the United Kingdom. Here is a link to her blog

By the way 15 minutes after I left that comment I received a "thanks"  and that my friends made my day.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Want it All

Wow that is how we are these days. Instant Gratification is that society that we live in. Does my clean time or my recovery have a shortcut to the promise land or paradise ?
Recovery is not just a straight line to follow I find there is actually 3 things I need to work on in order for Recovery to happen.
1.Physical - living the way I did for years, you can not expect to not have consequences. My medical records suddenly turned into an episode of The Walking Dead but since then I'm not a perfect picture of health but I'm nowhere near appearing on The Walking Dead.
2.Mind -  OK years of toxic thinking, having no feelings what so ever, add in a dash or two of paranoia makes a person ohh what can I call it maybe certifiable? OK maybe not that bad but not good either. With recovery  you have to only change one thing. Everything!! and its not gonna happen in one basketball season.
3.Spirit- OK did you read #'s 1 and 2 well hopefully you won't need much convincing on this one. Really being in touch with my inner self just is not going to happen overnight. But that with time gets better and a lot quicker than you'd expect.
Pain is a fact of life. It is going to happen to us all in fact if you have never experienced some type of pain at some point or points in your life well all I can say is You must be lying and should probably seek help because your one step away forget it just seek help. Anyway you see being an addict I would need to mask that pain and guess how I did that? Being a recovering addict, I realize what that pain is whether it is something from the past or right now in the present I need to make a choice a choice I never gave myself. Do I let this pain consume me or do I learn from it and move forward? In my recovery today I learn and move forward.
Today being in recovery allows me to live life completely all the good and all bad. I can have feelings of love,excitement,happiness,fulfillment but I will no doubt have feeling of fear,doubt and pain. Instead of hiding or running away from these feelings I can now face these feelings head on. Today being a recovering addict is great because I can face life and all it has to offer the good and the bad.

The Anonymous People Only 9 Days Left

April 6,2014 3:00pm at the Little Theater,Rochester,NY
Just to keep Everyone up to Date 70 tickets have been sold as of today.We have a little more than 9 days left until the screening.Everything that has been done so far to sell tickets has been done only with social media. Why other media is not responding I haven't a clue. I have sent an email to Film Critic Jack Garner asking for some help or suggestions on getting media to respond. The email went out this afternoon and I am looking forward to his response.
The movie is getting a lot of national attention and that can only help.
I have spoken with Congresswoman Louise Slaughter's office after receiving an inquiry email and she will be attending if her schedule permits.
So lots of great things happening surrounding the screening so tell your friends, coworkers,family whoever so we can have a sold out show.
90 tickets in only 9 days so that's only 10 tickets a day.
The only time you can buy tickets at the Little will be April 6 if any are left.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OVERDOSE-Its Just Not For Celebrities Anymore

John Belushi was I think the first celebrity overdose death I had ever heard of. Did it stop me? No or obviously I probably wouldn't be writing this blog.
If I sit back and think what celebrities have died of drug overdoses I can recall many- Chris Farley,River Phoniex, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, that kid from Glee, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Heath Ledger.
Now did you know 100 other non-celebrities die each day of drug overdoses. Do the math and that's a lot of fucking people and these people are just not what society has lead us to believe black,ghetto,welfare,low income. No drug abuse hits every society, every race,every income bracket,every religion,every sexualty,every,every nationality. The disease of addiction dose not discriminate.
So up comes the question is it good or does it help society when the press makes celebrities' death by overdose front page news?
Hmm good question my answer is No. Although I guess if it does stop one person from ever picking up or it helps one person quit their addiction then yes. What I do think it brings is exposure to the disease which maybe can be a good thing. What it does to I feel is maybe promote the cause. The media makes it sexy,thrilling,a whole exciting mystery. Media never shows how the disease took over a persons life. The things people had to do for just one more.
Media never shows what the families and loved ones go through. Even worse in today's society that I never see in the press or on your nightly news is Recovery.  What Recovery does for that "Junkie" or "Drug Addict". It doesn't show how Recovery turns people into productive members of society or the fact that recovery has made relationships with family,friends and loved ones stronger than they ever have been, The service and the "pay it forward" given back to communities they live in.
Why? Well my opinion is it's not thrilling in their eyes it's not sexy enough, it's not dramatic. We will always hear about the overdose or the death caused by an overdose with celebrities that unfortunately is the society we have made but maybe if we focused on recovery and what it  has done for individuals,families, communities maybe, just maybe that number of 100 people that die each day from overdose might just be a little bit lower.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Hard Habit to Break (God I Hate That Song)

So last night I got this email from a reader of this blog (Which I love getting by the way) and they said "What is the difference between a Habit and an Addiction?" They also proceeded to say "I might smoke pot on the weekends as a habit but in no way shape or form am I addicted." Then they said "Or am I ?"
Well let's get one thing straight first. I am not an expert on anything. I hold no degrees on anything. I am a recovering addict. Now I can give you an opinion based on my experience.
So let's start.....
First what is a Habit ?
A habit is done by choice. A person can stop a habit successfully when they make a choice to do so. When a person decides to stop there is no pshycological or physical component involved and is not an issue.

OK so what is an Addiction?
Now there is a pshycological/physical component involved.The person can not control the aspects of the addiction because of the mental or physical component involved.
Now I know 100% that I can not use any mood altering substance whether liquid or not because I have that disease of addiction. Maybe alcohol isn't really my thing. In fact there was a time you could put a six pack of beer in my refrigerator and it could sit there for a year. Marijuana is not my drug of choice but I know if I have either one it will lead to my drug of choice. Maybe not the first time I do it but eventually it will. That is just my disease at work.
Does my addiction want me dead? I truly don't know if it does or not. But I do know this, it loves to torture me.

So now that we know the diiference between a habit and an addiction they still are related by the fact of a habit can very easily become an addiction.
I also must say not all addictions are just not drug or alcohol based. People can have various types of addictions.

Shopping,Sex,Gambling,Porn, Money Video Games, Love, Internet, exercise. I could go on and on.
All of these addictions can lead to all sorts of problems  like financial, work issues, relationship issues and even social issues.
Now don't forget Addiction also will bring on those things we call feelings
Guilt, Shame,Hopelessness, Rejection, Failure, Anxiety, Fear,Despair,embarrassment, Humiliation just to name a few.
So to wrap this all up,with a habit you can have control of your choices but it becomes an addiction when you don't have controlled of your choices. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Never Leave Home Again

I'm not a big endorser usually unless somebody is paying me of course. But I found this really cool site and a lot of my friends are out of time and when I travel I sometimes can't find support.
OK let me explain things a little clearer I am a recovering addict who works a twelve step program. This weekend I am hanging with my sisters dog "Miley". Miley is awesome and I love to spend anytime I can with her.
Anyway I have been cruising around some web sites and I found this really cool site called In The Rooms. If you happen to be in recovery and you belong to any fellowships than this website is for you. First off its free and when I signed up or  I guess the proper wording would be registered. I was greeted just like I am when I go to any fellowship meeting here with lots of love people offering any help with getting around the site.Any questions I had were answered and I was able to get into tons of discussion threads about questions I had about the fellowship I am in. I am also able to share my experience, strength and hope with others.
But here is the really cool thing, they have meetings pretty much throughout the day and anybody can join. You don't need a webcam or a camera to attend.
I actually attended two meetings today and they were awesome. People were from all over and I mean all over and I really liked all the different views on things I heard. All the support and opportunities I found really made my night. So when I have that good of an experience I endorse.

The Show Will Go On

Thank You to all of you who reserved you're tickets. We have reached the minimum number that we needed in order have the screening which is awesome. 50 tickets were reserved. We now have 105 tickets left. So those of you that didn't reserve your tickets I would suggest doing that now. I expect that since the tip was reached we will begin to get some print and TV promotion. Thanks once again

Friday, March 21, 2014

Recovery CD Vol1

Recently someone asked me if I had to come up with a Recovery CD what songs would I have on it?
After much thought and consideration the songs I would put on it would be as follows.
Any suggestions leave a comment and we can use them for Volume II

Amazing -Aerosmith
This is a great song musically and the song never really got the respect I think it should have. The song talks about hitting bottom then surrendering and finding the light in the darkness. It also seems to show how the person in found recovery and instead of dwelling on the choices he may have made in the past, he learns to move on.

We are all on Drugs Weezer
I love Weezer great musicians they take on lots of serious issues in a light sense. This song is basically
Saying if you do drugs and you think your cool guess what your not your an idiot.

Mr Brownstone Guns N Roses
This is what I loved about Guns N Roses they wrote songs about what they were living at the time so all their lyrics put a new meaning to real time. This song is out their heroin addiction and where it took them

I Stay Away- Alice in Chains
This song was written right after the lead singer had just got out from rehab. He stayed clean for awhile but eventually went back out.

Should be Higher-Depeche Mode
The song is about being out to dinner one night during his recovery and everybody is having wine and the thought of its only one glass but he knows it would be like opening Pandora's box but his mind keeps telling him he should be much higher. Sometimes the lies are more attractive than the truth.

Repentance-Dream Theater 
This song is about steps 8 & 9 in the AA steps

Kingmaker -Megadeath
This song is about the epidemic running through our nation of people taking pain killers and how people are just running from their problems.People are so desperate to have that out of body experience yet they don't realize that music can do that for you, love can do that for you.

One Day at a Time-Joe Walsh
 This song is about how Joe had a moment of clarity during his drinking and cocaine addiction and how he had to relearn everything but this time clean. The song goes on to show how life is so much better being clean.

Word on a Wing-David Bowie
This song was written by David as a prayer to free him of his cocaine addiction that had him so wrapped up David was experimenting with black magic. David has also said he can't even remember recording this album Station to Station

Under the Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers
This song was almost never made and just stuck in the back of Anthony Kiedis' notebook. The song is about Kiedis' addiction to heroin and how during recovery he had to stay away from his closest friends who were still using. During those dark days he realized it was his city that had stayed with him during his addiction and during recovery. Anthony was very hesitant about bringing this song to the group. Good thing he did as this is the biggest and most success full song to date.

That Smell

(This is Part III to the following "The Cats Out of The Bag-Part1 and "Help I Need Somebody-Part 2" It is recommended by the author to read Part 1 followed by Part 2 and so on and so forth But really I never listen to anybody so do what you want)

After spending a few weeks in ICU, they finally discharged me and brought me over to inpatient or as some people refer them as Treatment Centers. 
Now not all treatment centers are the same. Like everything in this world it all comes down to the almighty dollar or how good your health insurance is. There are your very lavish treatment centers where you are provided with your own private room with view of the ocean or mountainside. 500 thread count sheet in your king size bed with maid service,meals cooked to your perfection and a spa where you can get massages everyday.
I didn't have any money and had no insurance. The social worker that I spoke of in the earlier post had made arrangements to get me some financial assistant while they worked on getting me onto some type of health insurance. The accommodations were probably what bothered me the most there was this smell that just irritated me. On a cleanliness factor between 1-10 I would have given it a 4 at the most. 
Other than that I found the way treatment centers operate are basically the same.
I had a rigid schedule that started with wake up at 7a.m. and didn't stop until 10 p.m. that night. For me the main thing was the treatment center was safe I didn't have to worry about people places and things. They took your cell phone so I didn't even need to worry about the phone ringing. It was where I could actually start to get a few days of being clean. There was drama believe me  you are going to have that when you have all different walks of life and they spend all day and night together. Unless the drama affected me directly then I stayed out of it. Being on a schedule even though I may have hated it was good for me just for the reason of not being on any type of schedule for so many years.
Some of the other reasons treatment was good, is part of the road to recovery is a physical part and there I was able to take my meds on the correct schedule and I was monitored by a doctor and a physicians assistant.

I was also able to begin individual therapy and begin group discussions. Seeing that I had been isolating myself for some time I found this to be good. I was also educated on triggers that might be cause for me to relapse.
Most important was the introduction to two long term recovery 12 step programs which I practice today.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Help I Think I Need Somebody

(This Post is a continued to the Post "When The Cats Out Of The Bag" It is recommended by the author to read that post first. Thanks for visiting my blog.)

So there I am just out of a coma for I don't how long. I am strapped down to the bed so I wouldn't  rip the tube out of my throat. They take  the tube out ( not very fun). I then begin to demand they take off the straps holding me down ( poor nurses).Then I find out I got another tube going in me and the ICU Doctor is shoving a blood test  in my face and my family showing all the substances I tested positive for( so much for Hippa laws).
Cats out of the Bag right? Yes it is and to have to lay there and have to look at my family. The hospital tells me they wanted me to speak with a social worker. I normally would have put up a fight about seeing a social worker. I know this because during my active using I was extremely judgemental I would have thought I was too good to talk to a social worker.
But I was tired too damn tired I did not want to play this game any more. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I couldn't hustle the hustler in me was tired.

So I agreed to see the social worker. Doing this was the best decision I ever made and I wish to god I could have been smart enough to get her name because she was one of the people who helped save my life.
The social worker made sure all of my medical needs were being taken care of but the one thing she did do was convince me to go into a treatment facility after I got out of ICU.
Next up Inpatient

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

When The Cats Out of The Bag

When the cats out of the bag, you can look at it as "Thank God" or you can view it as  " The Shit hit the fan"in my experience it was both. I was so relieved that that huge secret was no longer a secret.
It was hard enough trying to figure out how I was gonna get the next one but add in the stress of keeping it from everybody.
So "When the Cat was out of the Bag" I was actually relieved. I was tired. I can't explain how tired I was. The guilt the shame the lies the fear. Wait did I say fear? Yes I did. This addict was scared of what would happen when everyone found out my BIG secret. The thoughts of would my family disown me? Would my non using friends shun me? Would I be treated like lepers were in biblical times. Would my girlfriend leave me? What in hell am I going to do?
This is when I felt the shit hit the fan. Now you must remember I was so self centered I felt the world revolved around me. I mean after all I may have turned the way I lived into animal like comparisons but I was the king of the jungle for the love of god.
Now I found out pretty quick my jungle was now a parking lot. When I came out of my coma I couldn't believe there wasn't a line of people going through my hospital room like a McDonald's drive through.Yeah maybe I had isolated myself from everyone for the past couple years but come on didn't the press print something? What about a spot on the evening news? Why are there no flowers in my room? No messages? No nothing? What about my dealer did he visit? What about my backups and my backups backup? Nobody? Nothing?
OK I think I need some help here? Somebody? Hello? I think I'm drowning here.

Tomorrow look for continuation of this post entitled "Help Arrives (I think).

Monday, March 17, 2014

Press Release for The Anonymous People (only 7 Days Left to Tip)

Contact:David Attridge


Film The Anonymous People highlights addiction recovery of over 23 million Americans;
Patrick Kennedy, NBA Star Chris Herren, Actress Kristen Johnston featured

Rochester,New York April 6,2014 A FEATURE FILM about the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery and the emerging public recovery movement will be shown at The Little Theater on April 6,2014  The film is brought to Rochester by a new crowd-sourcing distribution service called Gathr.  Gathr’s “theatrical-on-demand” process allows movie-goers to bring the movies they want to watch to their nearby local theater with no facility rental cost and no risk.

Special event screening tickets are available now by clicking here  This link connects to the movie trailer:

They, and the film, question why the United States has criminalized and too often given superficial treatment to a chronic illness – addiction.  As a result, addiction now comes with an annual price tag of $350 billion.  The American approach has put most of the burden of long-term addiction treatment on anonymous, free, 12-step programs. Those programs have done a good job, but no other health problem is treated this way.

In addition, the culture of anonymity in these programs, while it has protected individuals from stigma, has also unintentionally perpetuated false perceptions of people with addiction – as the public doesn’t see how often people in their lives recover.

“This film is not your tired old addiction story often seen on reality television or in the news,” said film producer Greg Williams. “There are no needles hanging out of people’s arms, pictures of the brain, or fried eggs in a pan.  We set out to find the answer to one very fundamental question: Why don’t we treat addiction in this country like any other health issue?”

The Anonymous People also shines a light on prominent people who are not very anonymous and are living publicly as people in long-term recovery themselves: Award winning actress Kristen Johnston, former NBA star Chris Herren; Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006; former congressman Patrick Kennedy; veteran news anchor Laurie Dhue; Tom Coderre, chief of staff to Rhode Island Senate president and many others.  They have chosen to “come out” with their recovery in an effort to counter the existing public perception of other people just like them.

This film aims at transforming public discourse in much the same way that activists once decided that an honest open discussion had to take place about topics such as breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, and being gay in order to spark widespread change.

The Anonymous People is produced and directed by Greg Williams; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, and Bud Mikhitarian; executive produced by Paul McCulley; co-executive produced by John Silverman; photographed by Craig Mikhitarian; and edited by Jeff Reilly; with an original score by Brendan Berry.

Following The showing of "The Anonymous People ", A panel of local drug addiction professionals, Representative from local treatment centers and local residents who are a living a life of recovery will be hosting  a panel Q&A for movie attendees immediately following the film.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sleepless in Seattle

OK I'm not in Seattle but with the rain and the wind outside right now I might as well be. At least I could go out and get a good cup of coffee. I don't really drink coffee but if I lived in Seattle maybe I would. Well its 430 as I write this,that is 4:30 am. I can't sleep at all. Nope not a wink. I used to hate nights like this. When I was using and isolating myself from the world ( except my dealer of course) these would be the hours where either I ran out of cash or any dealer I knew stopped answering the phone. That last year or two of my using I was so sick and tired of begin sick and tired my days of pounding on their doors and windows at these hours was over I couldn't do it.
I don't get many of these sleepless nights any more.During my first year of being clean I had many sleepless nights. The nights that would really suck would be those using dream nights, I'd wake up from the dream and I'd swear the shit was on the nightstand, I'd jump out of bed and start looking on the floor for that bag.  Sometimes my mind would be so wicked I would think I had used it all and I'd be putting my jeans on getting ready to go get more. It would usually be when I was putting my second leg in my jeans that I'd be like " hey that was a dream go back to bed." I'd go back to bed but I'd be so freaked out no sleep was gonna happen. The last 6 months well no more using dreams (thank God). The sleepless nights are few and far between maybe once or twice a month. I'll be completely honest I hate them.
Let me set this straight first off the sleepless nights are nothing and I mean nothing like when I really was using those night were just constant racing thoughts of how early could I get the next fix? How was I gonna support my habit today? The scenarios,the planning, the back up plan, the back up plan to that. Believe me when I tell you being an active drug addict was a dangerous full time job, with 2 part time jobs on the weekend.
Many of you may think well at least I saw a lot of sunrises right? NO WAY I never watched sunrises they would just remind me that another dreadful day of an active drug user was about to begin. As much as I couldn't wait to get the next one, I also dreaded getting the next one. In fact many many days I hoped and prayed I wouldn't make it to the next morning.
I often hear many other addicts say My disease ( that would be "The disease of Addiction) wants me dead. I don't think that at all, in fact my disease (again - of Addiction) had its chance to have me dead 18 months ago. I am convinced my disease just loves to fuckin torture me.
So let's get back to tonight ( sorry, I can ramble sometimes.) Now the few sleepless night I have each month mainly consist of 1. My mind still racing of  thoughts of " Am I doing things right? Am I on the right track? 2. Conversations with my higher power the God of my understanding ( you can call it praying, if it makes you feel better) . 3. Thoughts of my chiropractor cause I think she's really smart and hot(That combination is new to me usually its just "hot" but yet I still never get the nerve...) 4. Thoughts of all the amends to the people I screwed over and if they will ever forgive me but even more important before any amends can be made I need to forgive myself and believe me that can make stay up for a few hours. 5. Did I mention my chiropractor? ( Actually I really hope she doesn't see this because she will just think or know how crazy I am.6. Conversations with my father even though he has been gone for 7 years there is not a day I don't think of him or the things he taught me that for many years I had forgotten . Those times with him I make sure I never forget. 7. I think about my other " defects of character I have and how I need to deal with those. 8. This has never happened before but tonight at 5:40 am I thinking about a bowl of cheerios.
Rock On My Friends.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

We Keep What We Have by Giving it Away

These are recovery paradoxes in the 12 step program I am in. I hear these all the time and believe me in the beginning, I hated these sayings I felt everybody that used them was crazy. It really bothered me. Its like the saying "It is What It is". God I hate that saying. To me that saying is just a cop out,really it doesn't have to be that way. If you don't like the way something the way it is then put some work into it and change it. Just because someone else copped out doesn't mean you have to and even if you don't get whatever it is you want to change.  Maybe if somebody sees you try to change it  then they will try and so on and so on  and eventually it will change, even if it helps someone else. Isn't it worth trying?
OK if your still with me I really commend you. Like seriously, I'm wiped out after reading that.So any way where the hell was I ? Oh yea,
"We keep what we have by giving it away" this one is my favorite paradox. I love giving what I have learned away to people that want it.I mean, what better feeling in the world is there? To possibly change someone's life or to help someone get past a hurdle that is holding them back from greatness or personal satisfaction in their life.
Everyone has potential in there life,(OK maybe not the guy in the GEICO commercial). Everyone has good in their life.
Now if you haven't read my post on Empathy now may be the time. I actually don't believe there is a greater reward and it only strengthens now what I have.
Wow this may be my shortest post ever but I'll admit I'm even a little bit confused . Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

11 Days to Tip....

To those of you that have reserved your tickets I thank you. To those of you that haven't I ask for you to consider doing so. We have 27 more tickets that need to be reserved in order to have this premiere . This documentary is awesome and and sheds light about the addict in recovery and attempts to kill the stigma of the"addict".
Once again the premier we are hoping to have is Sunday April 6,2014 at 3pm at The Little Theater,240 East Ave, Rochester,NY. The cost is $10.00 and the tickets can be reserved by clicking on the link at the end of this post.You can also watch a trailer of the movie the link at the bottom of this post. For those of you that can't make it please consider buying a ticket for a recovering addict you may know or an addict you may know that is stuck in the grips this disease  or someone you know affected by a lobed one in addiction. After the showing,  a panel of experts in recovery will be available for a q &a.
I have notified all media in the Rochester with press releases but they seem to have no interest in doing anything with addiction unless it is extremely negative. Everything is now being done via social media.I appreciate all your support.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Last 23.5 Hours

From the first hour I walked out of inpatient, I knew life needed to and would make some major changes. I new that some days would be better than others. I knew that any day would be better than a day in active addiction. I knew that just because I put down the drug that I might pick up something besides a drug. I would replace that drug with maybe a fork, a credit card, sex, gambling you name it. I knew that seeing I had been completely emotionless that I would have to deal with feelings and emotions all over again like I was a newborn. I knew I had to be grateful for the things I took advantage of, like waking up. I knew I was empty spiritually and would have to be able to find and trust a higher power other than myself to help me through each day. I knew I had to bring new people into my life that have my best interest in mind. I new I needed to be a son, a brother,a friend that these people would be proud to have. I know all of these things and I must realize that I am not perfect and will make mistakes.I may let people down. I know I must be able to forgive and forget. I know I  must   let things go. I know I must help others because oh so many helped me. I know honesty must be part of my daily life. I know I must be open minded and take  suggestions. I must realize I don't know everything going on in other peoples lives. People may be having as just a bad or maybe even a worse day than I am having. I must also remember that some people may not make it home tonight. I must realize how lucky I am that even though I have this disease of addiction that I have been shown that it can be arrested. I also must remember that that could change in the matter of an instant. I need to be grateful.I need to know that if I have a bad day that its better than where I was. I need to remind myself of the tools I have been given oh so freely. I know that somewhere tonight someone is begging for a day of not being a slave to this disease. A day of not having their every thought their every breath be about one more.
Am I grateful? Hell yes. Did I use today? Hell no.Did today suck? More than you can imagine. So what is the solution? Use the tools I have been given. Let my Higher Power handle what I can't. Use the strengths I have built in the last 17 months. Get up tomorrow hold my breath for ten seconds. Why? Cause I can and I'm alive.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mine is Bigger Than Yours

Lately it seems that I hear people comparing their recovery to other peoples recovery or "worrying" about other peoples recovery or predicting other peoples recovery outcome.
This annoys the shit out of me. I will get this out of the way first. Yes I am guilty of all of the above. When I do it I annoy the shit out of myself.We all do it. I guess what is bothering me about it is how people are becoming obsessed with it, letting it stop them from working on their own recovery.
Now once again I am an addict in long term recovery and yes I do live and practice a 12 step program. Yes I am passionate about my recovery and the 12 Step program it saved my life.
Now I also want to say this about my 12 Step Program. People," the program is perfect, people are not perfect."
The program that I am in saves many many lives everyday. You must live the program in order for it to work. You can't talk about the program and expect it to work. Their is no magic pill, there is no voodoo doctor, there is nothing except the program (at least for me and a few other million people out there).
My recovery is my responsibility. It is not my doctors responsibility. It is not my priests responsibility. It is not my family's responsibility. It is not the addict that just walked through the door's  responsibility and it is definitely not yours, hell it's not even any of your business unless I come to you looking for guidance or advice or just an ear to hear me vent.
Opinions are like a××××××× everybody has one. Seriously, all I feel I would be doing if I was comparing, my recovery  to someone Else's recovery is hurting my own. For those of you that have opinions on the way someone else is handling their recovery ( notice the key word here is their) well I guess I would say "who died and made you a recovery guru?" I would also stress," remember where you come from".
We are all different,some of us catch on real quick. Some of us need all sorts of proof before we do anything new. We all work at different paces. Maybe you can understand recovery real quick and maybe I can kick your ass at checkers. See where I am coming from. Oh well thanks for letting me vent or actually "buzz off it's my blog not yours" (lol).

15 Days and Counting

For those of you that have reserved tickets for The Anonymous People on April 6,2014 at The Little Theater,240 East Ave in Rochester,NY at 3pm I thank you and for those of you that haven't I ask that you do so as soon as possible. We have approximately 15 days to sell 30 tickets in order to tip.Certain costs must be made in order to have the showing. We are trying to get as much press about this as possible but I need your help. Louise Slaughter's people tell me she is interested in attending but won't be able to guarantee until approx 2 weeks from now.
The panel for after the showing is coming along great.We have addicts from 12 step programs, veteran programs,treatment centers,addiction counslers and many more.
I am very excited as others also are about this great event.
But like I said we need your help. If we can't tip we can't have the showing .Thanking you in advance.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Life After Wartime

I was talking to an addict who is right now in a treatment center trying to start his life over again.One of his questions was "Is recovery fun?, The only way I know how to have fun,was to get high"
Good question I thought and at one point I thought the same thing. In the beginning getting high was fun. I had some great times that was until my disease of addiction took over,at that point it no longer was fun it became my life, ruling every decision, every move I made.
 So I must tell myself if  I am thinking I only had fun when I was getting high, I immediately must tell myself that that is my disease talking. Sometimes I don't know if my disease wants me dead or if it just likes torturing me too much.
Anyway Is recovery fun?
Recovery is and always will be about getting my life back. Recovery allows me to enjoy those things I did before my disease of addiction.Again when I was in active addiction my whole life revolved around my drug and getting that first one and the one after that or as I call it "chasing that high".
Now that I am free today, recovery allows me the freedom to live my life the way it was meant to be lived and to find that meaning and peace I have so longed for.
Now in the beginning was it easy? Absolutely not, my disease was still in high gear. I had to change people, I had to change playgrounds, I had to change almost everything because remember for close to a decade all that mattered was getting one more.
Once that obsessive and that compulsion started to be lifted and I started to have some control and I didn't use "no matter what" I began to feel that I was beginning to experience my life for the very first time. When I felt this I took complete advantage of these feelings as they made me stronger.
Seeing I am in a 12 step program I began to meet new people who had my best interest in my mind and who did not use. Some of these relationships mean more to me than any relationships I have ever had and still are some of the strongest bonds I have today. I also must say the people I hang with today provide me with enough entertainment (Only kidding lol).
The process of one addict helping another addict is so important in this addicts life.
In the past 17 months and so many days, I have done so many things I have always wanted to do and my social calendar can be very busy some weeks. In fact I have found myself needing to make some "work on me time". I also have found myself spending more time than I ever have with my family which is evidence of some of the stronger bonds made because of my recovery.
Seeing entertainment is a huge chunk of my life I have attended more concerts, plays,and sporting events than I ever have.
In recovery I have been able to look at and approach things in life much differently than I ever have before and because of that my outlook, my experiences have all become so enriched and pleasurable. I wake up everyday with excitement to see what that day will bring me.
Appreciation is something that has been absent in my life for years maybe decades. Cultures,people,history,and all the the finer things in life are now things I am starting to experience. The one thing I notice the most today is my respect for people and all the different events that happen in my life today.
 Life is not perfect. Life still brings many challenges but I am learning how to face these challenges with out using any chemicals as the answer or as a way to run from those issues. I also find that I am open to taking suggestions instead of thinking I always have the right answer.
So is recovery fun? The answer is Hell Yes and when some days aren't as good as others I look at as it is a hell of a lot better than the life I was living just 18 months ago.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


The Empathy Project is not a big university study. It is not even a project as far as I know. I just basically wanted to get you're attention and see how many of us and when I say us, I mean everyone, not just people in recovery use empathy in their lives. I want opinions, stories, experiences, any thing about empathy. Like how it may affect your life or maybe how you use it in you're life today.
I must say before I entered recovery I had never heard of empathy or I just got it confused with sympathy. I am happy to say Empathy plays a major part in my life and I believe for the better.
So I am going to give you the two definitions.
EMPATHY  is understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or you can put yourself in their shoes.
An example might be "I know its not easy to lose weight because I have had the same problems throughout my life."
SYMPATHY is acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance.
An example of this may be when people try to make changes like this (e.g. lose some weight) at first it seems difficult. (My up most respect and thanks goes out to for the definitions and examples)
Now they do seem very similar but believe me they are two totally different animals. It took me awhile to really understand the differences and a little while longer to figure out how to apply them in my daily life.
If you are reading this please take a minute or two and leave a comment.No names are needed in fact go ahead make one up. No email addresses will be used. You can either use the comment box her or email me at

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Judging Amy,Judy,Alex,Mathias

Wow I really wanted to talk about Judging and I'm talking about the way we judge ourselves and how we judge others. For some of us this process is non stop all the time either ourselves or others.
What I thought would be something quick and easy to write down, has Not and I will repeat Not been an easy task. This subject, I found even for myself,a very sensitive subject. Bringing up the subject in my mind brought up many many hurdles I have had to clear through out my life and even continue to have hurdles I must clear.
Then came the thoughts of how I judge not only people but places and things everyday.
People judge us everyday throughout lives They judged us in the past and they will Judge us in the future.Now the question comes to mind of how has people's judging of me affected my life? Did I use it to clear those hurdles of life or did I let it stop me or keep me down?
The last question I ask myself is How do I let people's judging of me affect me right now?

Now pack your bags and let's go to the other side of the spectrum---The judging that we do everyday and yes I said everyday we do upon others. We judge everybody. Our parents,family members,people close to us, our wives,husbands,kids,cousins,girlfriend,boyfriend,co-worker, church members,neighbors OK I'm sure you get the picture.
I do believe that we are hard wired to judge ourselves and others. What I mean by that is I believe our brains teach us to judge not only ourselves but others. Most likely we would be dead if we didn't judge or actually we wouldn't live very long. Most of the judging we do, I think I'm safe to say we don't even know we are doing it and we have been doing it all of our lives. Is that safe or dangerous? Do I want to keep moving to that or should I turn around and run like hell. Is this situation I'm in right now a good one or a bad one?
As an addict when I was in active addiction my judging was in overdrive in order to get what I wanted. I judged in order to get what I wanted right now or at least the quickest way possible. I am sure I influenced how people judged others in order to get what I want.
I am sure people's judging of me did stop me or keep me down at different points in my life but I also know that people's judging pushed me ahead and accomplish things in life they will never accomplish or do. 
I am never ever going to be able to stop people from judging me.Some people  will always have something to say one way or another. What I can do to stop the affects of how of people judge me? The answer is nothing all I can do is love myself and the more I love myself the less judgements will have any affect on me.
So what do I do about judging others? Well after many many hours of ramming my head against the wall for a long complicated answer. I finally got it and what will work for me and actually, its very simple. Instead of judging people I need to judge the situations and the actions again not the person. Am I perfect and will never judge another soul for as long as I shall live? No, not a chance,like I said we are hardwired to judge its just how we tangle up those wires. 
OK I'm gonna end here cause writing this just wiped me out "hey, I am not a wouss"

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Livin Life Resource Library ( well sort of)

Well I have decided to add a Resources section to the blog.It is nowhere near finished but two pages are done and available
12 Step Programs
Advocacy and Educational Programs
Both of these Pages have links for in order to get more information.
If you know somebody that needs Help go ahead and send them to this page.
I will be adding many more pages to this Resources section of the blog.
Any suggestions,comments or if you see a resource I may have missed please send it to my email

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hey Could You Give Me a Shove

OK we are getting there, We  have about 37 more tickets in order to tip. Remember your credit card does not get charged until we tip.
Some quick updates- Press Releases start going out this week. A little more than a month till the showing and only 22 days left to tip. The film has been selling out all over NYC, Texas,Maryland,California,Indiana and that is within the last month, Not bad for a privately funded/kick starter film. The film has been featured on Dr.Oz, and recent reviews were just published in the Hollywood Reporter and The Fix. Let's Make this happen!!!!

APRIL 6, 2014 The Little Theater, 240 East Ave, Rochester,NY, 03:00PM
Tickets available by clicking here.

What Did You Say?

Wow, In a very very short time this blog has begun to have many many visitors. How cool is that? I have received many many emails and I thank all of you for your support.
Comments are welcome good or bad everybody has an opinion go ahead use it.
The next thing is I love being able post everyday. It is probably a great way of therapy, education, and the fact that I am an artist and I love to write. Anyway what I do right comes from my soul and I am very hard on myself so it does take a bit of each day.So I say to any of you that may have any link to addiction,recovery (you get the picture). Feel free to submit and chances are if what you submit has anything to do with addiction and recovery I'll post it. Unfortunately I can't pay you anything but you will get all the credit in the world and that magic word exposure. The last thing I will also toss in is you don't have to be an expert(I'm not),you don't have to be an awesome writer(I'm not),you don't have to be well known(I'm not even if I act like it sometimes). So what do you got to lose? Seriously so start writing and email me your writing,article,opinion,something that will make you smile

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Let Me Take You Higher

I am sure this statement didn't shock you. At one time and I am talking about my using days I would have totally thought I was the Higher Power and that their was no one above me (sort of scary- uhh!). Was it ego - maybe? Was it fear? Another good possibility. Was it I was completely self centered ? This is what I would place my money on (Figure of speech - I swear I don't have a gambling addiction!!).
This just shows me how crazy thing got during my active addiction. I was brought up in a fairly god fearing catholic family ( I mean we didn't stand on the street corners with Jesus Saves signs or anything like that). Mom worked for the church for as long as I can remember. Dad was a lector,on the parish council and called bingo.My brother and sisters went to Catholic grammer school, High School and I believe my brother and sister went to a Catholic College. Now I didn't include myself for 2 reasons. I went to Catholic grammer school but I didn't graduate- that's right never got an eight grade diploma I got a certificate of attendance (Impressive right?). Summer school was a common thing for me. Then I went to a Catholic High School for a year or maybe two but then I was asked to leave (Why you ask? I plead the fifth lol?). Anyway I did graduate but it was from a public high school. Now college? That's a whole different story we'll save for a rainy day. Once I started playing on the road full time attending church weekly flew out the window and this was where my ego and self centered part of me began. Not that I measure everything by if we go to mass every Sunday it's just an easy way to explain things.
So many many years passed where the god of my understanding just didn't exist. I was the God of my understanding. I did not acknowledge the higher power in my life that has really been with me all along trying to guide me but I just wasn't having it. I am sure I was a 911 prayer when I got into trouble but no real relationship. After that fateful day I woke up in ICU,I started to realize what I had done but yet I still  wasn't completely convinced I stil had that ego that self centeredness. I still thout I was superman - undestructable. Not even kryptonite could stop me.
Boy was I wrong.When I realized what I had done to all the people around me and especially myself did I awaken to a harsh reality and realized I was literally killing myself. My life was completely unmanageable and I needed to reconnect with my higher power I needed my higher power and when I saw things start to change in my life for the better and my desire to get stronger I knew my higher power the God of my understanding was with me and guiding me to a better life. This was a very personal thing happening in my life as I was fighting for my life non stop 24 hours a day. I also realized after having all that religion in my life I had really taken what my parents had tried to teach and show me. I had taken advantage of .
So last year in mid July I decided to do the one thing I hadn't done in the 42 years of my life, read the bible. So I gave myself a goal I would read the entire bible in a year.
Now I'm happy to report I have stayed on it. I found some program that I could use where it showed me what to read each day so I could achieve that goal, in fact I even get a email each day. I was amazed to see and understand how these readings applied to my recovery. Now I am not gonna tell you it has been easy, some of the books are very hard but it gets easier to read as I go along.
So today am I perfect? Not by any stretch of the imagination but I am happier than I have ever been and I feel that relationship I have with my  higher power flourish every minute of everyday.